Selasa, 27 Mei 2008

Y2K (Yudhoyono To Kalla) Roadmap

As we know, recently the political situation has been overheating in our country. It is caused by any controversial government policy which is legalized by our President (Mr. Yudhoyono) such as Fuel Regulation, BLT program (Directly Cash Aid, which is give each poor-people cash money at least US$ 33), and gas conversion. Indonesia became a net oil importer in 2004 because of declining production and lack of new exploration investment. The cost of subsidizing domestic fuel placed increasing strain on the budget in 2005-2008, and combined with indecisive monetary policy prompting the government to enact a 30% average fuel price hike in Last May. The government has predicted if their decision is not popular because our people condition is poor, undeveloped, and underprivileged. Inflation has been growing up to 9-12 % for several months in this period. The resulting inflation and interest rate hikes will dampen growth prospects in this year. The recently situation has given bad options for our government to develop our country with instability risks and social conflict.

Through the government must be careful to keep people trust and keep their commitment. Many politicians will be using this issue to improve their popularity and make it as their campaign issue. It is not good for democracy process which has been applied by our country for several years. Many politicians (I hope they always keep their fucking mouth), as we know they look like a parasite that only disturb, absorb and never give any benefit. They always attack someone who has an authority in government structure such as President, Governor, Mayor and others. But the politician perspective is different for Vice-President, and other vice-chairman in government structure. Although Vice-President has strong position to determine the government regulation and policy, he often escaped from politician critics about government performance.

Vice-President Mr. Kalla, as we know he is a smart figure and expert to calculate political strategy. He is not look like a President Partner who is obligated to assist and support President to do his duties. It is only in Indonesia, Vice-President able to influence President Policy although it is different with President Perspective or their vision during campaign several years ago. Clearly seen there that any effort from someone to drop President Authority with his policy which is not popular such as Increase Fuel Price, Launch BLT Program, and others. The Primary weakness of President Yudhoyono is always looked hesitating to do something, and in my opinion Mr. Kalla used it to take-over President Authority to make decision or policy.

Many people have known Mr. Kalla controlled all of economic policies because he has ability and talent as a business expert. So actually who is interested person who hold responsible to the happening of economic chaos in this country….??? (I think you all have known clearly who he is). And then what is background of his interest ? Is it related with his effort to nominate himself as a Candidate of President next year…? It is none of our business you know…!!! Yes of course because we are not having any interest about that, but we have obligation to choose good leader.

Last week our nation celebrated 100th National Awakening Anniversary in great ceremonial which is leaded by President Yudhoyono. He said that our nation must have three requirements to be a great nation; first of all we must self-supporting, secondly we must competitive, and the last we must civilized. It is a good vision and thinking but difficult to do, because our country has many problems which are poorness, high unemployment, endemic corruption, inadequate infrastructure, a poor investment climate, and unequal resource distribution among regions. President Yudhoyono has many brilliant concepts for Indonesia, but that concepts only becoming useless paper on the desk without real implementation. It gives opportunity for Vice-President to take-over and implement what President must do.

Many people assume Mr. Kalla like Asterix who has small body, smart, nimble, and aggressive. Mr. Yudhoyono looks like Obelix, who has giant body, strong power, popular, but slow moving and prude. Mr. Kalla who is C.E.O. in many corporations has been preparing any way and strategies to improve his power and resources for continuity of his business. So he needs more authority to keep it well. It becomes real tendency in Indonesia, a businessman also take position in government structure to keep his business. Many policies is taken based on business interest, so rarely based on public interest because public interest just a symbol in politician fucking mouth.

Today, we know what happen there in our government structure. It is learning for us to take care with our country and don't let they take over our government policies for their private interest. However start from now we must be careful, and fight them in general election, president election, and other political election. Please choose someone who has good character and good integrity.

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