Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

To be Idol ...., Why Not....???

Of course, we have known really the teenager do not want to be a left-behind teenager. Every teenager wants to mention they are terrible, they can and untill there is people doing the bad action such as : doing the fighting between school, smoking, illegal racing, and so on.
Nowadays most of the teenager have an idol who only have capability, beauty, handsome, and have much money.
if one of you want to be an Idol as the teenagers, I have some formula to be the best idol who is liked by the most of islamic teenager. the formula of idol are :
  1. always keep personal quality include spiritual quality
  2. always know the last information about everything
  3. having good knowledge and special ability
  4. having good character and attitude
  5. must be diligent and able to work hard
We are not arrogant if we have been popular, and we must remember a point if we want to be looked good by the other person and our God. We must have the good point which is usefull to other persons

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